12 nov 2020
A new screen removal installation at Rwzi Dordrecht was recently completed to full satisfaction. As the main contractor, van Raak Milieutechniek was commissioned by Waterboard Hollandse Delta to provide 3 perforation screens, 3 screw presses, screw conveyor, booster set, piping and the electrical installation.
The perforated screens have a mesh diameter of Ø5 mm. The total hydraulic capacity RWA is 9570 m3/. Each screen has a capacity of 4785 m3/h.

11 nov 2020
Commissioned by EKO-MTK, new screens, a conveyor and screenings washing press were manufactured and transported. The new screen removal system will be installed at the Elblag water treatment plant in Poland.

5 aug 2020 New type screw press integrated in our Perforated plate screen.
Recently we have developed a new type of screw press which is based on our standard screw press, especially made for our perforated plate screen. The screw press is constructed in 2 parts. The trough complete with screw and drive can be removed from the Perforated plate screen for maintenance. The separate pressing zone can also be dismantled for replacement of wearing parts.